Job interviews: A deep dive into young professionals’ behaviour


In the fast-paced realm of today’s job market, a curious trend has caught the attention of both employers and job seekers alike: the increasing prevalence of candidates ghosting scheduled interviews. It’s a phenomenon that raises eyebrows and questions, leaving recruiters scratching their heads and young professionals wondering about the underlying dynamics. But what’s really driving this disconnect?

Recent insights from job platform Indeed shed light on this perplexing trend, particularly among Generation Z and millennial jobseekers. Surprisingly, a significant proportion of them are opting out of interviews without so much as a courtesy notification. While it’s easy to chalk this up to a lack of professionalism, the reality is far more intricate.

Let’s delve deeper into the experiences of individuals like Olivia, a recent graduate diving headfirst into the tumultuous waters of job interviews. Despite her credentials and enthusiasm, Alice found herself entangled in a web of uncertainty and ambiguity during the recruitment process. The labyrinthine interview procedures left her feeling undervalued and disheartened, leading her to disengage from potential employers who seemed disconnected from the needs of younger workers.

Yet, this disconnect goes beyond personal anecdotes; it reflects a broader shift in the dynamics of the modern workplace. Traditional notions of the employer-employee relationship are evolving, fuelled by changing attitudes and expectations. The upheaval caused by the pandemic, coupled with the ongoing effects of globalisation and technological advancements, has sparked a re-evaluation of work-life balance and career priorities.

Today’s workers, particularly younger generations, are asserting their autonomy and prioritising their well-being in unprecedented ways. The rise of remote work, flexible schedules and alternative career paths has empowered individuals to seek opportunities that resonate with their values and aspirations. Furthermore, the advent of social media and online networking platforms has transformed the way professionals connect and interact with potential employers, ushering in an era of unparalleled transparency and accessibility.

In the face of these seismic shifts, employers must recalibrate their recruitment strategies to attract and retain top talent. This necessitates a concerted effort to cultivate a culture of respect, transparency and empathy throughout the hiring process. Providing clear expectations, offering constructive feedback and maintaining open lines of communication can help bridge the gap between employers and job seekers, fostering a more equitable and fulfilling job market for all stakeholders.

As we navigate the evolving terrain of job interviews, it’s imperative to recognise the multifaceted factors at play and adapt our approaches accordingly. By embracing change and fostering genuine connections, we can create a future where both employers and job seekers thrive in harmony. So, let’s embark on this journey together, armed with empathy, understanding and a willingness to embrace the unknown.