What will job hunting look like for your children?

Job hunting for children

We had discussion with ChatGPT to try and find out what recruitment and job search will look like in 10 years’ time.  Here is what ChatGPT came up with:

Act as a futurist who has accurately predicted societal changes in the past.  Today employers and recruiters use CVs and resumes to shortlist applicants for jobs.  Imagine society in 10 years’ time.  What alternative methods could be used to recruit staff then?  Give me some ideas

Greetings, I’m ChatGPT and I’ll act as a futurist to predict how recruitment will change over the next 10 years.

With the advancement of technology, it is highly likely that recruitment processes will shift from traditional methods of shortlisting applicants based on resumes and CVs to more modern, innovative methods. Here are some potential ideas for alternative recruitment methods that could be used in 10 years’ time:

  1. Virtual Reality Interviews: In the near future, employers could use virtual reality to conduct interviews. Instead of being physically present in an office, applicants could use VR headsets to conduct interviews from anywhere in the world. This would save time and money for both employers and applicants.
  2. Social Media Recruitment: With social media becoming more integrated into our lives, it is plausible that employers could use it as a recruitment tool. Employers could analyse a candidate’s online presence to understand their values and interests, making it easier to find the right fit for their company culture.
  3. Skill-Based Assessments: In 10 years, employers might focus more on assessing a candidate’s specific skills rather than their degrees and work experience. Skill-based assessments could be conducted through online tests, virtual reality simulations, or even through gamification, providing a more interactive and engaging recruitment experience.
  4. AI Screening and Shortlisting: With the rise of artificial intelligence, it’s likely that employers will use AI-powered recruitment tools to screen and shortlist candidates. AI algorithms can analyse resumes, CVs and online profiles to assess a candidate’s suitability for a particular role.
  5. Personal Branding: Personal branding will become increasingly important for job seekers in the future. Employers may look for candidates who have a strong online presence, demonstrating thought leadership and expertise in their field.

Overall, the recruitment process is likely to undergo significant changes in the next decade, with technology playing a significant role. Employers who adapt to these changes will have a competitive advantage in finding the best talent for their organisation.

Considering point 4, how would candidates have to change their CVs and resumes to meet the new challenges of AI-powered recruitment tools in order to improve their chances of being shortlisted?

With the increasing use of AI-powered recruitment tools, candidates will need to tailor their CVs and resumes to make them more attractive to these algorithms. Here are some tips for candidates to improve their chances of being shortlisted:

  1. Use keywords: AI algorithms scan resumes and CVs for specific keywords related to the job requirements. Make sure to include relevant industry-specific keywords in your resume to increase the chances of being shortlisted.
  2. Highlight skills and achievements: Rather than focusing on job titles and responsibilities, emphasise your skills and achievements in your previous roles. Use data and numbers to quantify your impact and achievements.
  3. Use a simple and clear format: Avoid using complex formatting, graphics, and images in your CV or resume. These can be difficult for AI algorithms to scan and analyse.
  4. Avoid using abbreviations: While abbreviations may be common in your industry, AI algorithms may not recognise them. Write out acronyms and abbreviations in full to ensure they are understood by the algorithms.
  5. Customise your resume for each job application: Customising your resume for each job application will ensure that it is tailored to the specific job requirements and relevant keywords.

Overall, candidates should ensure that their resumes and CVs are easy for AI-powered recruitment tools to scan and analyse. By including relevant keywords, highlighting skills and achievements, and customising their resumes for each job application, candidates can improve their chances of being shortlisted for their desired roles.

New entrants to the recruitment industry might introduce an ID-style system for candidates which checks their qualifications and tests them.  Recruiters can then access this information.  A bit like LinkedIn with qual and skill testing.  What sort of models like this do you anticipate?

With the increasing use of technology in recruitment, it’s plausible that new entrants to the industry could introduce ID-style systems for candidates that check their qualifications and test their skills. Here are some potential models that could emerge in the future:

  1. Digital Skills Passport: A digital skills passport is a platform that allows candidates to upload and store their qualifications and certifications. It also provides a way for candidates to test their skills and receive digital badges and certifications, which can be displayed on their profile. Recruiters can access this information to verify the candidate’s skills and qualifications.
  2. Competency-Based Assessment: A competency-based assessment system evaluates a candidate’s skills, knowledge, and experience in a particular field or industry. Candidates are tested on a range of skills and abilities, and their performance is assessed against established benchmarks. Recruiters can access this information to assess the candidate’s suitability for a particular role.
  3. Gamified Skills Assessment: A gamified skills assessment system is an interactive platform that assesses a candidate’s skills through games and simulations. The system evaluates a candidate’s performance and provides feedback on their strengths and weaknesses. Recruiters can access this information to identify candidates with the right skills for a particular role.
  4. Blockchain-Based Verification: A blockchain-based verification system allows candidates to store their qualifications and certifications in a secure, decentralized database. Recruiters can access this information to verify the candidate’s qualifications and certifications, ensuring that they are genuine and up-to-date.
  5. Open Badges: Open badges are digital credentials that allow candidates to showcase their achievements and skills. They can be awarded for a range of activities, including completing online courses, attending conferences, and volunteering. Recruiters can access this information to assess the candidate’s skills and achievements.

Overall, the recruitment industry could see the emergence of new models that use technology to verify candidates’ qualifications and test their skills. These systems will provide a way for recruiters to access accurate, up-to-date information about candidates, making it easier to find the right fit for their organisation.

Tell me more about number 4

A blockchain-based verification system is a decentralised database that stores information securely and transparently. It allows candidates to store their qualifications and certifications in a tamper-proof format that can be easily verified by recruiters.

In this system, candidates would receive a unique digital identity that contains their educational and professional qualifications, certifications and work experience. This identity would be secured by cryptography and stored on a distributed ledger, making it virtually impossible to tamper with or falsify.

When recruiters need to verify a candidate’s qualifications, they would be able to access this information through a secure and transparent process. By using a blockchain-based system, recruiters can verify the authenticity of the candidate’s qualifications quickly and easily, without having to rely on potentially unreliable sources of information.

The use of blockchain technology in recruitment could also have other benefits. For example, it could reduce the risk of fraud and ensure that candidates’ personal data is kept secure. Additionally, it could streamline the recruitment process by making it easier for recruiters to assess a candidate’s qualifications and suitability for a role.

Overall, a blockchain-based verification system could revolutionise the way that qualifications are verified in the recruitment industry, providing a secure, transparent and efficient solution for both candidates and recruiters.

I could imagine a blockchain digital skills passport.  Does this make sense?

Yes, a blockchain-based digital skills passport could be a feasible solution for verifying and showcasing candidates’ skills and qualifications. The digital skills passport could be built on a blockchain, allowing candidates to securely store and share their skills and qualifications with potential employers.

This passport would contain a record of the candidate’s educational and professional qualifications, certifications and skills assessments. The candidate could update their passport as they acquire new skills or certifications, and the information would be securely stored on the blockchain.

Recruiters could then access this information through a secure and transparent process, allowing them to quickly and easily verify the candidate’s skills and qualifications. This would streamline the recruitment process and reduce the risk of fraudulent claims about skills or qualifications.

Additionally, a digital skills passport could be linked to other platforms, such as online learning platforms or skills assessment tools, allowing candidates to easily showcase their skills and qualifications to potential employers. The use of blockchain technology would ensure that the information is secure and transparent, giving recruiters confidence in the accuracy of the information.

Overall, a blockchain-based digital skills passport could be a valuable tool in the recruitment industry, providing a secure and efficient way for candidates to showcase their skills and for recruiters to verify them.

Are you aware of any companies working on this sort of technology?*

Yes, there are several companies that are working on blockchain-based solutions for skills verification and management. Here are a few examples:

Learning Machine: Learning Machine is a company that offers blockchain-based solutions for creating, issuing and verifying digital credentials. Their software, called Blockcerts, enables organisations to issue tamper-proof digital certificates and store them on a blockchain.

This diagram, copied from the Blockcerts website, gives an illustration of how it works:


Accredible: Accredible is a platform that enables organisations to issue digital certificates and badges for skills and achievements. The platform uses blockchain technology to create tamper-proof certificates that can be easily verified by employers.

SpringRole: SpringRole is a decentralised platform for professional identity verification and attestation. The platform uses blockchain technology to enable individuals to build a verified professional profile that includes skills, work experience and qualifications.

These companies are just a few examples of the growing number of blockchain-based solutions for skills verification and management. As the use of blockchain technology continues to expand, it is likely that we will see more companies developing innovative solutions in this space.


In summary, the recruitment industry is evolving rapidly, and the use of AI and blockchain technology is transforming the way that candidates are assessed and recruited. While traditional CVs and resumes will likely still be used in the short term, new technologies are already being developed that could revolutionise the recruitment process. These include AI-powered recruitment tools that can analyse candidate data and predict job performance, and blockchain-based verification systems that allow candidates to store and share their qualifications securely and transparently. As the recruitment industry continues to embrace these new technologies, we can expect to see a more efficient and effective recruitment process that affect both candidates and recruiters alike.

*ChatGPT only has access to data prior to 2021, so more recent entrants to the market may not be listed.

Main image credit:  Photo by Thomas Park on Unsplash