Tips for refreshing your job search this Easter

Easter jobs

As the days get shorter and the weather gets cooler, many people start thinking about their future plans. But while most of us focus on hunkering down for winter, this is also a great time to refresh your job search. Whether you’re just starting out or you’re looking for a new challenge, taking the time to update your CV can help you stand out from the competition. In this blog post, we’ll share some top tips to polish up your CV and give your job search a boost.

Update your skills and qualifications

One of the most important things you can do to refresh your CV is to update your skills and qualifications. This is particularly important if you’ve been out of the job market for a while, or if your industry is constantly evolving. To get started, think about what skills and qualifications are in demand in your field. You can research job postings online, or talk to industry associations to get a sense of what employers are looking for.

Once you have a sense of what’s required, you can start looking for ways to refresh your skills. This might mean taking a course or attending a workshop, or it could mean finding opportunities to practice your skills in a volunteer or freelance capacity. It’s also important to remember that not all skills are technical – transferable skills like communication, problem-solving, and teamwork are highly valued by employers and can be emphasised on your CV.

Showcase your achievements

Another key aspect of refreshing your CV is highlighting your achievements. This is particularly important if you’ve been in the workforce for a while, as employers are often more interested in what you’ve accomplished than in your job history. To get started, think about what you’ve achieved since your last job search. This might include hitting sales targets, completing a major project, or receiving positive feedback from clients or colleagues.

Once you’ve identified your achievements, it’s important to showcase them on your CV. This might mean using metrics and data to demonstrate your impact, or tailoring your achievements to specific job postings. For example, if you’re applying for a job in sales, you might highlight your experience in closing deals or increasing revenue. If you’re applying for a job in project management, you might highlight your experience in delivering projects on time and within budget.

Revamp the design and format

In addition to updating the content of your CV, it’s also important to pay attention to the design and format. This is particularly important in New Zealand, where employers value visual appeal and easy-to-read format. To make sure your CV stands out, consider using a modern template and a colour contrast. Make sure your CV is mobile-friendly, as recruiters and hiring managers are using mobile devices more often these days to review applications.

Tailor your CV to the New Zealand market

Finally, it’s important to tailor your CV to the unique qualities of the New Zealand job market. This includes emphasising teamwork and cultural fit, as well as highlighting your experience working with diverse teams or your involvement in the community. New Zealand employers also place a high value on soft skills like communication, problem-solving and adaptability, so it’s important to showcase these skills on your CV.  For information on how to demonstrate Treaty of Waitangi principles, read our post here:


Easter is a great time to refresh your job search, and updating your CV is a great place to start. By updating your skills and qualifications, showcasing your achievements, revamping the design and format, and tailoring your CV to the New Zealand job market, you’ll be well on your way to landing your dream job. Remember to take advantage of the resources available to you, such as career centres, industry associations and online job boards. And most importantly, don’t be afraid to ask for help – whether it’s from a mentor, a friend or a professional CV writer, getting a fresh perspective can help you see your strengths in a new light. 

Main image credit:  Photo by John Cutting on Unsplash