What to do when you’ve been made redundant


Most people are shocked to find out they’ve been laid off from their job, but this is an opportunity to explore new career paths or re-evaluate your life. With the right attitude and support network, redundancy might even be the best thing that ever happened to you. Here are some tips on what to do when you’ve been made redundant:

Be realistic and take time to process

Being made redundant is often a big and sudden change, and it’s important to take time to process it. As you come to terms with your situation, you might feel many different emotions, and that’s normal. You might feel shocked, sad, angry, anxious or all of these things at once. Try not to bottle these feelings up inside, and make sure you find ways of dealing with them. One good way of doing this is by keeping a journal and writing down your thoughts, feelings and experiences as they happen so you can reflect on them later. Journaling can also help you to make sense of what’s happened and put things into perspective.

Find out more about your rights as a redundancy employee

Before you start looking for a new job and thinking about what to do next, you need to make sure you’re fully aware of your rights as a redundant employee. Community Law gives a good summary of your rights when being made redundant in New Zealand: https://communitylaw.org.nz/community-law-manual/chapter-20-starting-and-leaving-a-job/leaving-or-losing-your-job/redundancy-when-the-business-doesnt-need-your-role-anymore/

Take care of yourself physically and emotionally

There’s no question that redundancy can be emotionally taxing, but it’s also important that you take care of yourself physically as well. Make sure you eat healthily, get enough sleep and try to keep up with your exercise regime so you can stay as positive as possible. Joining a new club or sports team can also be a great way of making new friends and keeping yourself busy. It can also be helpful to seek the help of a therapist or counsellor if you’re finding it hard to cope with being made redundant. Your GP might be able to refer you to a therapist, and you can seek help online as well. Remember that you’re not alone in being made redundant, and many people go through the same experience as you. It’s best to surround yourself with positive and supportive people and let go of anyone who is negative or causing you stress.

Explore your career options

During your time out of work, it can be a great idea to explore other career paths and options that would suit you once you’ve found another job. You might find you’re more interested in a career direction you didn’t even know existed before, or you might want to find out more about a career path you’ve always been interested in. You can do this by visiting career websites and using online courses to learn more about different industries and job roles. Be sure to keep your brain active during your downtime and make sure you keep yourself busy. It’s easy to get into a bit of a rut when you’re not working each day, so stay focused on your future plans and keep your eyes on the prize.

Network and find out about other job opportunities

One of the best things you can do when you’ve been made redundant is network and get in touch with friends, family and former colleagues to see if they know of any job opportunities. You can also use social media to share your career goals and let people know what your plan is for the future. Another great way of finding out about new job opportunities is to sign up to online community boards and sites such as LinkedIn. Invest in a good CV so you’re fully prepared when you apply for your next job. If you’re feeling hesitant or worried about applying for new jobs, remember to take a break from the internet every now and then, and try to focus on what’s important in your life. It can be easy to get caught up in the internet and forget to appreciate the things that are right in front of you.

Make the most of your time out

Try not to get too stressed about finding a new job during your time off. You’re likely to find the whole process much more enjoyable if you’re relaxed and confident in your abilities. Take your time and find the right job for you- don’t rush into anything just because you feel pressured to find a new job quickly.

Summing up

Being made redundant can be a scary experience, but it can also be an opportunity for change and improvement. One important thing to remember is that redundancy isn’t your fault, and it’s nothing to feel ashamed or embarrassed about. It can happen to anyone, and the important thing is what you do next and how you approach the situation. You might be worried about money and the future, but remember that you’re not alone and there are plenty of resources available to help you through this difficult time.

Main image credit:  Magnet.me on Unsplash