How to address employment gaps on your CV


A CV plays a crucial role in presenting your professional profile to potential employers. However, employment gaps can raise concerns and impact your chances of securing a job. In this post, we will explore effective strategies for addressing employment gaps on your CV.

Understanding employment gaps

When we talk about employment gaps, we refer to periods where you were not actively employed. These gaps can occur for various reasons such as voluntary career breaks, redundancy, personal circumstances or sabbaticals. It’s important to remember that employment gaps are common and need not be viewed as negative by default.

Assessing the impact of employment gaps

Understanding how employment gaps can be perceived by employers is crucial. The impact of an employment gap can vary significantly depending on the industry and its specific expectations. Let’s explore some examples to illustrate this:

Technology industry:

In fast-paced industries like technology, where skills and knowledge quickly evolve, employers may be more concerned about outdated expertise resulting from an employment gap. It’s important to demonstrate continuous learning, staying up-to-date with industry trends and highlighting any relevant personal projects or online courses undertaken during the gap.

Creative fields:

Industries such as graphic design, writing or photography often value creativity and a diverse range of experiences. Employment gaps in these industries can be viewed positively if they were spent on developing new artistic skills, pursuing personal projects or engaging in collaborations. Showcase your portfolio or creative work completed during the gap to demonstrate growth and innovation.

Finance and accounting:

In industries that require a high level of precision and up-to-date knowledge, employment gaps can raise concerns about one’s ability to keep abreast of regulatory changes and industry practices. It becomes crucial to highlight any efforts made during the gap to stay informed, such as participating in relevant seminars, gaining certifications or volunteering in finance-related roles.

Healthcare and education:

Certain industries, like healthcare and education, often have a higher tolerance for employment gaps due to the nature of work, such as contract positions, academic breaks or medical leave. While it’s still important to address the gaps, focus on highlighting any relevant training, volunteering or continuing education activities undertaken during that period.


If you pursued entrepreneurial endeavours during the employment gap, it can be seen as a valuable experience that demonstrates initiative, problem-solving skills and business acumen. Highlight any entrepreneurial ventures, the skills gained and the successes achieved to showcase your ability to take risks and drive results.

Being aware of the industry-specific expectations surrounding employment gaps allows you to address them in a way that highlights your suitability for the role. By demonstrating continuous learning, showcasing relevant experiences, and emphasising personal growth during the gap, you can alleviate any concerns employers may have and present yourself as a valuable candidate.

Strategies for addressing employment gaps on your CV

Be honest and transparent

When addressing employment gaps, honesty is crucial. Avoid misleading information or attempting to hide the gaps. Instead, acknowledge the gaps and be transparent about the reasons behind them. Honesty will help build trust with potential employers.

Strategic placement

Consider the placement of employment gap information on your CV. Instead of the traditional chronological format, you may choose a functional CV format that focuses on skills and achievements. Alternatively, you can use alternative section headings, such as “Relevant Experience” or “Career Highlights,” to draw attention away from the gaps.

Highlight transferable skills and activities

During the employment gap period, you may have acquired valuable skills or engaged in activities that are relevant to your desired job. Highlight these transferable skills and experiences on your CV. Include any volunteer work, freelance projects, courses or personal development activities you undertook. This demonstrates your commitment to personal growth and continuous learning.

Let’s take a look at an example:

Sarah, a marketing professional, took a voluntary career break to travel and explore different cultures. During this time, she engaged in several activities that enhanced her skill set. Here’s how she highlighted her transferable skills on her CV:

Social Media Management: Sarah actively managed her travel blog and social media accounts during her break. She gained hands-on experience in content creation, social media strategy and community management. On her CV, she highlighted this experience under a dedicated section called “Digital Presence Management” and included metrics such as follower growth and engagement rates.

Language Acquisition: During her travels, Sarah immersed herself in foreign languages and became proficient in Spanish and French. Recognising the importance of language skills in the marketing field, she listed these languages under her “Skills” section, emphasizing her ability to communicate effectively with diverse audiences.

Project Coordination: Sarah volunteered for various local organisations, coordinating fundraising events and community initiatives. This experience allowed her to develop strong project management and organisational skills. On her CV, she showcased this experience as “Community Engagement Projects” and described her roles and responsibilities in coordinating successful events.

By highlighting these transferable skills and activities, Sarah effectively demonstrated her ability to adapt, learn and acquire valuable experiences during her employment gap. This showcased her versatility, cultural competence and dedication to personal growth, making her a strong candidate for marketing roles requiring creativity, adaptability and excellent communication skills.

Provide a brief explanation

Provide a concise and positive explanation for the employment gaps on your CV. Avoid dwelling on the reasons or providing unnecessary details. Instead, focus on highlighting what you gained during that period, such as new skills, perspectives or personal achievements. Keep it brief and redirect the focus towards your suitability for the job.

Use a cover letter to elaborate

A cover letter offers an excellent opportunity to provide more context about your employment gaps. Use it to elaborate on the skills you acquired or the personal circumstances you faced. However, be cautious not to dwell excessively on the gaps. Keep the focus on your qualifications and enthusiasm for the position.

More tips and best practice

Frame your work experience in a way that minimises the impact of employment gaps. Emphasise your achievements, responsibilities and skills gained during employment periods.

Leverage networking and personal connections to address gaps during the job application process. Personal recommendations and endorsements can help employers gain a better understanding of your capabilities beyond the gaps in your CV.


Employment gaps do not have to be detrimental to your job prospects. By adopting honest and transparent communication, strategically placing the information, highlighting transferable skills, providing brief explanations and utilising cover letters effectively, you can address employment gaps with confidence. Embrace your growth and development during these periods, and let your qualifications and potential shine through on your CV.

Main image credit:  Photo by Junior REIS on Unsplash