The power of networking for job seekers


In today’s dynamic job market, career changes have become increasingly common. Whether you’re looking to switch industries or embark on a new professional path, networking plays a pivotal role in finding opportunities and making successful transitions. In this blog post, we’ll explore effective networking strategies tailored for career changers, with a particular focus on leveraging social media and events as powerful tools. So, let’s delve into the world of networking and discover how it can propel your career forward.

Understanding the Power of Networking:

Networking is the art of building and nurturing relationships to expand your professional circle. For career changers, networking serves as a crucial bridge, connecting you to new industries, job prospects and invaluable insights. By cultivating meaningful connections, you can tap into the hidden job market, gain industry-specific knowledge, and find mentors who can guide you through your transition.

Networking etiquette: Dos and don’ts for successful networking


Networking is not just about exchanging business cards or making small talk; it’s about building genuine connections and fostering professional relationships. To make the most out of your networking endeavours, it is crucial to understand the unwritten rules and etiquette that govern these interactions.

Be genuine and authentic:

Do: Approach networking with sincerity and authenticity. Be genuinely interested in getting to know others and their professional journeys.

Don’t: Engage in self-promotion or come across as insincere. Networking is about building mutually beneficial relationships, not just advancing your own interests.

Practice active listening:

Do: Give your undivided attention to the person you’re speaking with. Listen actively, ask insightful questions, and show genuine interest in their responses.

Don’t: Interrupt or dominate the conversation. Networking is a two-way street, and active listening demonstrates respect and fosters meaningful connections.

Respect boundaries:

Do: Respect personal space and be mindful of others’ time. Approach networking with a courteous and professional demeanour.

Don’t: Invade personal space or monopolize someone’s time. Networking should be a balanced exchange where both parties feel comfortable and respected.

Make a memorable first impression:

Do: Present yourself professionally and confidently. Dress appropriately for the occasion and maintain good eye contact. Have a firm handshake and a warm, genuine smile.

Don’t: Dress too casually or appear disinterested. A positive first impression sets the tone for building a lasting professional relationship.

Follow up and show gratitude:

Do: Follow up with individuals you’ve connected with, whether it’s through an email, LinkedIn message or a handwritten note. Express gratitude for their time and insights.

Don’t: Neglect to follow up or take relationships for granted. A simple gesture of appreciation goes a long way in maintaining and nurturing connections.

Offer value and support:

Do: Seek opportunities to help and support others in your network. Share valuable resources, make introductions, or offer assistance whenever possible.

Don’t: Solely focus on what you can gain from the networking relationship. Building strong connections involves reciprocity and a willingness to support others.

Professional online presence:

Do: Maintain a professional online presence, especially on platforms like LinkedIn. Keep your profile updated, engage in meaningful conversations and share relevant content.

Don’t: Overshare personal information or engage in unprofessional behaviour online. Your digital presence should align with your professional goals and reflect your expertise.


Networking etiquette is the foundation of successful networking. By adhering to these dos and avoiding the corresponding don’ts, you can create a positive and memorable impression while building meaningful professional connections.

Digital networking: Strategies for online job seekers

In the digital age, online networking has become a vital tool for job seekers looking to expand their professional network and secure new career opportunities. Social media platforms, professional networking sites and online communities offer a wealth of resources for connecting with industry professionals, showcasing your expertise and accessing hidden job markets.

Build a professional online presence:

Establish a strong LinkedIn profile: Create a comprehensive and professional LinkedIn profile that highlights your skills, experience and career aspirations. Use relevant keywords and optimise your profile to attract potential employers and recruiters.

Showcase your expertise: Share industry insights, thought leadership articles and professional achievements on LinkedIn and other relevant platforms. Demonstrate your knowledge and passion for your field to establish yourself as a credible authority.

Engage in professional networking platforms:

Join industry-specific groups: Participate in LinkedIn groups and other online communities that align with your career goals and interests. Engage in discussions, share valuable insights and build connections with like-minded professionals.

Attend virtual networking events: Take advantage of virtual conferences, webinars and industry-specific online events to network with professionals in your field. Engage in conversations, ask thoughtful questions and follow up with connections after the event.

Leverage social media platforms:

Utilise Twitter chats and hashtags: Participate in industry-related Twitter chats and use relevant hashtags to connect with professionals discussing topics of interest. Engage in conversations, share your insights and build relationships with key influencers.

Follow and engage with industry leaders: Follow industry leaders, companies and influencers on platforms such as Twitter and Instagram. Like, comment and share their content to initiate conversations and establish connections.

Seek out online mentorship opportunities:

Join mentorship programmes: Look for online mentorship programmes or platforms that connect experienced professionals with job seekers. These programmes offer guidance, support and valuable insights to help you navigate your career path.

Reach out for virtual informational interviews: Use online platforms and professional networks to connect with industry professionals for virtual informational interviews. Seek their advice, gain insights into their career journeys and build meaningful connections.

Personalise your outreach:

Craft personalised connection requests: When reaching out to professionals on LinkedIn or other platforms, tailor your connection requests to demonstrate your genuine interest and intent. Mention shared interests or common connections to establish a personal connection.

Follow up with personalised messages: After connecting with someone, send personalised messages to express your gratitude and interest in building a meaningful professional relationship. Reference specific points from your previous conversation to demonstrate attentiveness.


Digital networking has revolutionized the way job seekers connect with industry professionals and access new career opportunities. By harnessing the power of social media platforms, professional networking sites and online communities, you can expand your professional network, showcase your expertise, and enhance your job search.

Networking events unveiled: Making the most of in-person networking

Networking events, conferences and industry gatherings offer valuable opportunities for professionals to expand their network, gain industry insights and open doors to new career opportunities. However, attending these events can be overwhelming if you’re unprepared. In this section, we will provide you with a guide to effectively navigating in-person networking events, equipping you with tips and techniques to make meaningful connections and maximise your networking efforts.

Set clear goals:

Before attending a networking event, clarify your goals. Are you looking to make new connections, seek job opportunities or gain industry insights?

Research and prepare:

Familiarise yourself with the event agenda, speakers and attendees. Identify key individuals or companies you wish to connect with.

Develop a few open-ended questions or conversation starters related to the event’s theme or industry trends. This will help break the ice and engage in meaningful conversations.

Perfect your elevator pitch:

Prepare a concise and impactful elevator pitch that highlights your skills, experiences and career goals. Be ready to articulate who you are and what you bring to the table.

Engage actively:

Approach conversations with a genuine desire to understand others. Ask open-ended questions and actively listen to their responses. This demonstrates your interest and fosters a deeper connection.

Contribute to conversations by sharing valuable industry insights or personal experiences. Offer solutions to challenges discussed, positioning yourself as a knowledgeable and helpful professional.

Be approachable:

Smile, make eye contact and maintain an open and inviting posture. Approachability can make others feel comfortable initiating conversations with you.

Network with diverse individuals: While it’s essential to connect with industry professionals, also strive to interact with individuals from different backgrounds, disciplines or industries. Their unique perspectives can offer fresh insights and potential collaboration opportunities.


When connecting with someone, exchange business cards or utilise digital networking tools like LinkedIn to stay in touch.

Within a few days after the event, send personalised follow-up messages to the individuals you connected with. Express your gratitude for their time and mention specific points from your conversation to help them remember you.

Give back to the community:

After the event, contribute to the community by sharing your learnings or key takeaways through blog posts, social media or industry forums. This showcases your thought leadership and helps you establish credibility within your professional network.

In summary

Networking is an essential aspect of career development and job searching. Whether you’re exploring a career change, harnessing the power of digital networking, or attending in-person networking events, the key is to approach networking with sincerity, respect and a genuine desire to build meaningful connections. By setting clear goals, conducting thorough research, perfecting your elevator pitch, actively engaging with others and following up, you can maximize the potential of networking to propel your career forward. Remember to be authentic, offer value to others, maintain a professional online presence, and take advantage of both virtual and in-person networking opportunities. By embracing these strategies and techniques, you’ll create a robust professional network that can open doors to new opportunities and support your career aspirations. So, step out of your comfort zone, cultivate relationships and watch your career soar.

Main image credit:  Photo by M ACCELERATOR on Unsplash